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Data IdolsMRJMade TechMRJCoduranceWomens Higher Education Network
CoduranceWomens Higher Education Network

What candidates are saying

The use of live chat and micro-moment is top-notch. The image of the hiring manager gives me a kind of assurance that my application would be accessed and reviewed because they can see me apply.
Love this as I'm a bit of a data and technology nerd. My kind of round 1 interview
Makes the experience of applying for a new role good because it is interactive making it feel more engaging rather than just clicking on upload and apply on multiple job boards.
It was an innovative way of interviewing, and allowed me to express my thoughts and answers to the questions in a way I wouldn't have been able to in a traditional interview.
This is one of the amazing job application processes I have experienced in the recent times. Kudos to the team !!! Looking forward to be part of this amazing team!